Reboot Parent Support Group

Please answer all of the questions below and then click SUBMIT. All information that you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Further Details:

This is primarily a support group for parents with any school aged young person that currently live with a mental health challenge.

Please state who you are currently concerned for:

Parent Support Group Dates and Times

If not shown below, the venue will be notified to you and will either be in central Tunbridge Wells or Southborough.
Please select which date you would like to register for. If you feel you would like to continue to attend the Parent Support Group for a further set of sessions, you can reapply to attend the next group. In the event that the following group is full, we will notify you.

Emergency Information

In case of emergency, it would help us to have the following information:

Additional Helpful Information

The following information will help us to support you better when you attend our group

Agreement to Payment of Sessions Fee and to Code of Conduct

You must agree to the following statements to be able to submit your request to join the Parent Support Group