Resident Hosts ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ Event

Crossways Community resident, Hope, recently organised a coffee morning at Moxham House to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research.

Hope says:
“To raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research, a sale of homemade cakes, biscuits and cheese turnovers took place on Monday 7th October.

I know that many people like me share the experience of knowing people affected by cancer. It’s nice to have the opportunity to raise money to help this important charity.

Making cakes and pastries was a lovely way for residents of Crossways to practice our baking skills and to mix with our friends from across the Community too.

We raised £82.61 which has been sent off to Macmillan Cancer Research”

Well done Hope and thanks to everyone who took part in this enjoyable and worthwhile event

Here’s what some of the other residents had to say:

A good day for a good cause

You can have your cake and eat it!

Having had family members who have endured cancer I was delighted to take part

If you want to organise your own coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Research you can find out more information here


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