Crossways Marks World Mental Health Day
Crossways Community resident, Antonia, organised a Tea & Talk event on October 10th to mark World Mental Health Day and to raise money for the Mental Health Foundation.
Tea & Talk is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary in 2019. It’s a great way to get together with friends, family or colleagues, put the kettle on and fundraise for the Mental Health Foundation. Research shows that talking is good for your mental health, and that’s what Tea & Talk is all about.
Antonia says:
As a resident and also the House Rep at Culverdale accommodation, I felt that as we are in semi-independent living here, we as residents needed to get involved ourselves with organising such an event; I did so with the amazing help of residents Ellen and Richard and my wonderful support worker Sue. Contributing in this way as a service user in mental health, there is so much out there we can be more aware of to educate both ourselves in our self-development and others. I was extremely blown away by the amount of people who attended including Chris the CEO and Boris, a Trustee. We raised £114, which again, blew me away. I shall certainly be holding this yearly, wherever I may be living.
Outstanding event Antonia, the quizzes and conversation starters were great fun and the cakes were pretty delicious too! All in aid of a great charitable cause.
If you would like to know more about Tea & Talk or if you would like to organise your own event, you can find more information here: